Knowledge Café Methods and Padlet Applications for Bengkel Pemurnian Perpustakaan “Memaju Kecemerlangan Kelestarian Perkhidmatan Perpustakaan Masa Hadapan” - 28th Nov 2024
On 28 November 2028, the Library Universiti Malaysia Al-Sultan Abdullah Library held a Bengkel Pemurnian Perpustakaan “Memaju Kecemerlangan Kelestarian Perkhidmatan Perpustakaan Masa Hadapan” at Swiss-Bel Hotel, Kuantan. The workshop took place at Swiss 1, Level 3A, Swiss-Bel Hotel, a total of 51 Library staff, UMPSA attended the workshop.
In the welcoming speech, UMPSA's Chief Librarian, Cik Hajah Kamariah Gono, stated that among the main objectives of this workshop are:
- Discussing the library's innovative strategy that is in line with the university's wishes and needs.
- Generating ideas to ensure the sustainability and excellence of library services in the future.
- To Identify new trends in library services.
- To plan the allocation of resources based on the results of the workshop.
Next, Cik Amelia binti Hasan, Head of the Knowledge Management Unit, as the Facilitator, explained about the workshop's method and process. The workshop uses the Knowledge Café method and the Padlet application to facilitate the process. This approach saves time because Padlet facilitates the collection of ideas and feedback which is faster and more efficient.

One of the workshop participants Mr. Mohd Fakhrurrazi bin Adnan from Bahagian Pendidikan Pengguna (BPP) believes that the Library is a center for reference and dissemination of knowledge and should be fully utilized by users. He added that as a leader the Library should think of new ideas to remain relevant and competitive in the future.
Mr. Syed Mohd Faiz bin Syed Abdul Aziz from Bahagian Pengurusan Ilmu dan Digital (BPID) expressed his gratitude because the workshop has provided a space and opportunity for the Library to listen to the participants' views and suggestions for improvements in Library management.
The participants agreed that the concept of Knowledge Café with the use of Padlet application in the discussion is new in communicating and discussing ideas effectively.
The workshop ended with a summary presented by the Chief Librarian of UMPSA. The results of the workshop will be collected and evaluated for library planning for the year 2025 onwards.

Writen by:Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant
Checked by:Cik Amelia Hasan,