Information search strategy module helps students learn effective and efficient information search methods - 27 March 2024
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The UMPSA Library Education & Research Unit will organize user education classes for lecturers, researchers and students. Various modules are provided according to their requirements such as Library Introduction, Information Search Strategies, Turnitin and Mendeley.
These classes are held as scheduled, requested from lecturers and class providers. Every month, the Education & Research Unit will hold the classes periodically and can be conducted physically or online.
For the month of March 2024, two (2) classes have been scheduled, which is on March 20 and March 27. The class was held online with the module titled "Information Search Strategy". This module is suitable for students who wants to learn the correct method of searching for information sources, the selection of keywords in searches, the use of AI in academic writing and accessing the library subscription databases.

During the class last March 27, 2024, various questions were also asked including the use of Scopus, appropriate keyword usage techniques, services offered in the library such as inter-library loans, loans between library branches and others. Students were also given information about the searching systems that can be accessed in the library such as EzProxy, eFind, the library portal and eColLib.
The Education & Research Unit strongly encourages users to participate in the user education program organized by the UMPSA Library. They can learn various information search platforms that have been prepared to support university education and research. Lecturers who wish to apply for a user education class slot for their students on user education class modules, please contact any librarian from the Pekan or Gambang Library's Education & Research Unit for more information.
Original article, click here
Translated by:

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant