User Education Class: Information Searching Strategies And Basic Use Of Mendeley With Students from the Faculty Of Civil Engineering Technology (FTKA) On 12 and 13 April 2023
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Universiti Malaysia Pahang Library (UMP) has received an invitation from Dr. Noor Yahida Binti Yahya, lecturer at the Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology (FTKA) to hold a user education class on Information Searching Strategies And Basic Use of Mendeley. The class is requested by Dr. Noor Yahida for her students as preparation for their Bachelor's Projects (PSM). Due to the relatively large number of students which is approximately 100, this class has been divided into 2 sessions on 12 April 2023 and 13 April 2023. The sessions start at 2.30 pm until 4.30 pm at the Gambang Library Computer Lab. The class aims to provide advice and exposure to students on how to search from reference materials available in libraries and open access platforms.
This class is conducted by the Librarian from the Education and Research Unit, Puan. Affida binti Abu Bakar, and is also assisted by the staff of the Education and Research Unit, UMP Gambang Library. Before searching for reference materials, Puan. Affida briefly explained topic selection and identifying keywords. She then proceeded to ask students to write down keywords based on their respective research topics. In addition, they are required to carry out practical activities by searching for articles using platforms such as Emerald Insight, ScienceDirect and other platforms found in the library's EzProxy system.

The students are also trained on the use of Mendeley which is a platform to help manage reference sources in their writing later on. Students are guided to enter reference sources and ways to manage it easily and effectively using Mendeley. In this session they were also taught on how to create a reference list in the American Psychological Association (APA) format.
Overall, this class has provided students with valuable exposure on how to access high-quality reference resources, while giving them the knowledge on finding reference materials more effectively with the facilities provided by the library. The library hopes that all students who attend this class will benefit from the sharing provided and are able to apply it in their studies. The library also wishes all the final year students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology (FTKA) the best of luck in completing their thesis. Hopefully all the knowledge shared will help them to write high quality final year project papers.

Written by:

Siti Zulaiha Binti Abdullah
Assistant Librarian
Education & Research Unit

Siti Zulaiha Binti Abdullah
Assistant Librarian
Education & Research Unit
Edited by:

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant