Postgraduate Academic Briefing Semester II 2022/2023 (9th March 2023)
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On March 9, 2023, a postgraduate briefing session for semester II 2022/2023 was held at the Faculty of Industrial Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Gambang. The library was invited for an introductory briefing to post graduates regarding the services and facilities offered.
This briefing was delivered by Puan Nor Ashikin Ahmad, Librarian from the Education & Research Unit. At the beginning of the session, they were shown the Library Portal which is a reference center for information related to the Library as a whole.
The session continues with the introduction of librarians, who can be contacted for consultation, inquiries or repositories. Then a full explanation on the main services of the Library which is borrowing/returning of materials, library systems and the list of facilities available to users.
Information related to UMP-IR, ezproxy, eFind, e-exam, eColLib and eResources are also shared because for the postgraduate, all these systems are important in helping them to find and prepare study materials.

In addition, as a basic guide, the use of Turnitin, Mendeley and journal selection guide for publication of journal articles was also emphasized. The Library is pleased to be invited for the session and hopes that with these sessions, it will help and spread relevant information to new students.
Hopefully this session will benefit everyone in their respective education and research processes. The library also wishes to thank the Faculty of Industrial Management for giving the Library the opportunity sharing information with UMP communities in general and the faculty in particular.
Original article click here

Written by (original article):

Pn. Nor Ashikin Ahmad
Senior Librarian

Pn. Nor Ashikin Ahmad
Senior Librarian
Translated by:

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant