Emerald's Research, Publication, And Networking, East Coast Edition 2023 (UMPSA) - 26 July 2023
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On July 26, 2023, the Library, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) and Emerald Publishing Malaysia jointly organized the Emerald's Research, Publication, and Networking, East Coast Edition 2023 (UMPSA). This event was held at the Auditorium, UMPSA Library, Gambang. Academicians, researchers, and students came together for this full-day event, which ran from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm.
The event commenced with a warm welcome note by Professor Dr. Mohd Hasbi Bin Ab Rahim, Senior Director of Research, Research Management Centre. Also in attendance Professor Madya Dr. Yudi Fernando, an esteemed speaker from the Faculty of Industrial Management. He captivated the audience during his sharing session on "Improving Manuscripts Acceptance Rate and Meeting Journal Expectations." Attendees gained valuable insights and practical tips to enhance their manuscript acceptance rates and align their research with journal expectations. This session's Facebook Live recording is now accessible at the following URL: https://fb.watch/m0d2fEMFVa/?mibextid=NnVzG8.

The panel discussion in the afternoon session was fascinating and proved to be equally interesting. Participants got the opportunity to speak with William Loh from Emerald and Professor Madya Dr. Yudi Fernando from the Faculty of Industrial Management. The topic of "Research and Publication Discussion: how to achieve your publication KPIs" was the focus of the enlightening discussion. Participants were empowered with effective strategies to excel in their research and publication goals.
The success of this event wouldn't have been possible without the active engagement, thought-provoking questions, and support from all participants. We thank all participants for their active engagement, thought-provoking questions, and support that contributed to the success of this event.

Written by:

Pn. Affida Abu Bakar
Senior Librarian
Education & Research Unit

Pn. Affida Abu Bakar
Senior Librarian
Education & Research Unit
Edited by:

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant