UMP LIBRARY CARNIVAL , Training of Trainers (TOT) Speed Reading
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23-24 Sept 2019 - Pekan- To support the aspiration of Ministry of Education Malaysia, UMP Library held two (2) program back to back within a week. The programs was held during the UMP Library Carnival week with the aim of encouraging the reading habits and activities within the UMP and the local communites.
On 23rd and 24th of September 2019, Training of Trainers (Speed Reading) Workshop was held at the UMP Library Pekan. Participants from Kolej Vokasional Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Bentong, Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Pahang (PPAP) and UMP staffs also attended the two (2) days workshop. The facilitator of the workshop is Encik Ahmad Yazid Ahmad@Abdul Rahman assisted by Puan Rozana Kamdani, both are Senior LIbrarion from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).
Among the techniques of speed reading shared during the workshop are Hand Movement Techniques, Clusters, Two Lines and Card Technique. Practicing with the Zaini Ujang Speed Reading Classification, there are four (4) classes pf speed in Speed Reading which is 1-200 wpm for slow, 201-400wpm for average, 104-600 wpm are good/fast and 601 wpm and above is fastest.
On 23rd and 24th of September 2019, Training of Trainers (Speed Reading) Workshop was held at the UMP Library Pekan. Participants from Kolej Vokasional Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Bentong, Perbadanan Perpustakaan Awam Pahang (PPAP) and UMP staffs also attended the two (2) days workshop. The facilitator of the workshop is Encik Ahmad Yazid Ahmad@Abdul Rahman assisted by Puan Rozana Kamdani, both are Senior LIbrarion from Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).
Among the techniques of speed reading shared during the workshop are Hand Movement Techniques, Clusters, Two Lines and Card Technique. Practicing with the Zaini Ujang Speed Reading Classification, there are four (4) classes pf speed in Speed Reading which is 1-200 wpm for slow, 201-400wpm for average, 104-600 wpm are good/fast and 601 wpm and above is fastest.

Puan Syafawati Sabuan, a Language Teacher from PBMSK says that the workshop held is one of the best ways to gain skills in improving the reading technique and hopefully she is able to adapt it during her teaching session. UMP Library has provided a conducive learning and working environment and hopefully, by organizing such workshop or programs, users and the communities are able to fully utilize the facilities and services provided by the UMP Library.
Written by: Mrs. Noorul Farina Arifin, Librarian AND Miss Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa. Senior Librarian Assistant
Written by: Mrs. Noorul Farina Arifin, Librarian AND Miss Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa. Senior Librarian Assistant