User Education Programme – A Walkthrough Of Taylor & Francis Online Journals (9 Jun 2021)
On 9 June 2021, an online training for Taylor & Francis was held via GoToWebinar platform. Speaker of this training is Quinie Lim Senior Marketing Executive, Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific. The training started at 10.30 am and was attended by 29 participants consisting of students and lecturers.
The objectives of this training are to help participants learn about the functions and features of the Taylor & Francis Online, how to search and understand more about your research, articles and article metrics.
Throughout the training, the speakers demonstrated hands-on methods of accessing materials through Taylor & Francis platforms such as journals, e-books and open access. To access this material from off-campus, participants can log in to UMP EzProxy ( The UMP Library has subscribed to 1473 journal titles in the field of Social Science & Humanities. Meanwhile, a total of 13 titles of electronic books were purchased by the library this year which can be accessed by all users.

Thanks to the participants who have given positive feedback after the class. Feedback such as involving the participants and walking through in accessing the system, holding such classes more often, explanation are all good/fine and to have more sessions to learn about Taylor & Francis Online Journals. Hopefully that everyone who joins this training gets the benefit. Don’t forget to follow other training organized by the library.

Pn. Affida Abu Bakar, Senior Librarian
Education & Research Section

Cik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant