Program Pemantapan Kompetensi Pembantu Pustakawan: Efind Refresher Training (5th Session) - 6th Oct 2021
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Kuantan, 6 October 2021 – An online training with the topic “EFind Refresher Training” was successfully conducted virtually over Google Meet platform by Encik Mohd Ariffin bin Abdul Aziz. The training was part of the scheduled course for the “Program Pemantapan Kompetensi Pembantu Pustakawan” planned by the Perpustakaan Universiti Malaysia Pahang.

This training aimed to refresh participants with the knowledge on Efind system usage for daily library operation. Revision on the use of the Efind System, which is a library management system (KOHA) focused among library assistant staff. Strengthening the knowledge of the use of each module of this system allows library staff to understand the use of each module practiced by each unit in the management of the library operation. Among the modules given, the content was emphasis on the acquisition, cataloging, circulation, library user management and report production. There are question and answer sessions which permit the participants to ask any misunderstanding regarding related modules and each inquiry was answered through the session.

Overall 34 Assistant Library and Librarian who joined the training. Although it is a virtual event, expectantly the participants will be able to understand and grasp the shared knowledge. The program ended with a group photo session.

Written by:
En. Mohd Ariffin Abdul Aziz Librarian
System & Aplication Section
En. Mohd Ariffin Abdul Aziz Librarian
System & Aplication Section