38 people joined the Keyboarding Skills Workshop: Fast and Furious - 28 August 2024

38 people joined the Keyboarding Skills Workshop: Fast and Furious - 28 August 2024

Pekan, 26 August 2024 - The Knowledge Management Unit (UPI) has organized a Keyboarding Skills Workshop: Fast and Furious. A total of 38 people participated in this workshop including staff from various departments at Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA), Pahang Public Library Corporation (PPAP) and Islamic University Pahang Sultan Ahmad Shah (UnIPSAS). The one-day workshop took place at the Computer Lab, Pekan UMPSA Library.

The Keyboarding Skills: Fast and Furious workshop was delivered by Puan Norhasdalina binti Hasim and Miss Rohaiza binti Mohamad Idaris. Both speakers are lecturers at the Faculty of Business and Accounting, University of Selangor (UniSEL).

The objective of this workshop is for all participants to improve their typing skills, focussing on accuracy and speed while introducing touch typing techniques. This workshop is also expected to build confidence and skill for a successful typing without having to look at the keyboard without typo.

In the fast-paced world of university education, efficiency and productivity are key. That's where touch typing comes in, it's not just a skill but a necessity for career development.

In the initial session of the workshop, participants were taught about ergonomics and the correct typing position. The speaker cleverly manipulates the situation by interspersing exercise methods and stretching activities to avoid stress during the typing process. Participants are introduced to the keyboard and basic touch typing techniques starting with the Home Row Key exercise.


The afternoon session continued with speed and accuracy training. Participants are asked to type using the basic touch typing technique without looking at the screen (blind screen) guided by the text provided. A time test was also performed to test the speed and accuracy of typing while looking at and without looking at the screen.

To facilitate the practice of typing exercises, participants were introduced to the "10fast fingers" website (https://10fastfingers.com/). On this page, participants can choose settings according to the level of typing speed and difficulty. Time records are taken and some of the fastest participants receive consolation from the organizers.

According to Miss Nurul Nadia Binti Mazlan from the University Health Center (PKU) UMPSA, this workshop gave her a lot of experience and new knowledge in terms of correct typing techniques.

"This is my first experience and I found a lot of new knowledge that I got today. The techniques taught must always be practiced to be more efficient", Dr. Asmida Binti Ideris, lecturer at the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering Technology, UMPSA.

Overall, all participants were satisfied with everything taught during the Keyboarding Skills: Fast and Furious Workshop session. As the name suggests, it is hoped that all participants will benefit and be able to practice touch typing techniques in their respective work. Hopefully these skills will improve the quality and competence of the participants' careers.

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Translated by:

haryatiCik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant

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Amelia2Cik Amelia Hasan,