Senior Design Project (SDP) Workshop: Mendeley and Turnitin at Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology – 5 June 2024

Senior Design Project (SDP) Workshop: Mendeley and Turnitin at Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology – 5 June 2024

All undergraduate students at the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology (FTKEE) are required to take the Senior Design Project (SDP) course to fulfill the graduation requirement. On 5 June 2024, the library was invited to hold a sharing session for the SDP Workshop slot: Mendeley and Turnitin at the Main Meeting Room, FTKEE. This session was attended by students from the BTE4826, BTS4826 and BTW4826 courses.

This sharing session was held to give exposure to Mendeley and Turnitin which can help students to complete project reports to be submitted to the faculty by the end of the respective semester.
The first session begins with a briefing and hands-on training on the use of Mendeley. Students were given guidance and explanations to create a Mendeley account and use the Mendeley Web Importer to import documents and web pages directly into Mendeley from search engines and academic databases. In addition, students were also exposed to the importance of using Mendeley Cite to insert references into Microsoft Word.

The second session focuses on how to access Turnitin including how to create an account, submitting documents into Turnitin and viewing the similarity report. A Q&A session was also held before the session ended at 12.00 pm.

Both sharing sessions were conducted by Rosfadilla Mohamad Zainun and assisted by Sufarini Mohd Sudin from the Education and Research Unit, UMPSA Library. The workshop ended with a photo session with instructors from the library, lecturer and students. Hopefully, this sharing will help students to complete their final project reports.
Written by:

Rosfadilla Binti Mohamad Zainun
Senior Assistant Librarian
Checked by:

Cik Amelia Hasan,