Research Support Classes: Information Search Strategies Module, Turnitin Module, and Mendeley Module throughout June 2024.

Research Support Classes: Information Search Strategies Module, Turnitin Module, and Mendeley Module throughout June 2024.

The Education & Research Unit (UPeN) of the UMPSA Library conducted several Research Support Classes in the month of June. These classes were scheduled and held both physically and online. The modules delivered include the Information Search Strategies Module, the Turnitin: Student Guide Module, and the Mendeley Module.

Promotion of the classes were done earlier through the library's social media such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter, eCommunity and blogs to attract the interest of many users. Online attendance registration and e-certificate will be given after attending the class.

The Information Search Strategies Module was held online on June 11, 2024, led by Ms. Affida Abu Bakar, Librarian from Gambang Campus, at 10:00 AM using the Microsoft Teams platform. This session was attended by lecturers, researchers, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students.


On June 13, 2024, the Turnitin: Student Guide Module was conducted online at 10:00 AM by Ms. Nor Ashikin Ahmad, Librarian from Pekan Campus. The classes uses the Microsoft Teams platform and focussing on guiding the students on how to access and use Turnitin software.

The last session, the Mendeley Module, was held physically at the Pekan Campus in the Pekan Library Computer Lab at 10:00 AM. The class was conducted by Ms. Rosfadilla Mohamad Zainun, Assistant Librarian of UPeN. Students are given in depth and detailed instruction on how to access and use Mendeley for citation purposes in their assignments.

UPeN strongly encourages users to participate in user education programs organized by the Library. By attending it, users can learn about various information search platforms provided to support education and research at the university. Lecturers or faculty members can request user education class sessions for students, referring to the modules provided by the library, by simply contacting the UPeN librarian.


Translated by:

Amelia2Amelia Hasan,

Edited by:

haryatiCik Ratna Wilis Haryati Mustapa,
Super Senior Library Assistant